
4月晨读 | 你开心就好

快乐的月亮邮递员 枫林悦读 2021-02-10

Reduced Forms




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01 xx 和我预想的不一样

I didn't sign up for this.

sign for 除了常见的“报名”的意思,在口语中 I didn't sign up for xx 还有着”我可没打算 xx,这不是我所预期的“的意思在里面。

在之前的晨读中我们还遇见过一个类似的表达,xx 不是我分内之事 It's not on my job description.

02 我五音不全(唱歌老跑调)

I am tone-deaf.

I'm off-key.

I‘m out of tune.

实际日常交流场景中一时间想不起这几个表达,也可以换一个方法,直接用 I'm no singer 或者 I'm no Zhoushen 来婉转的表达自己唱歌不太好听。


在这里我们还可以提取出 I'm no ___  这个句型。比如当我们想说”我还没聪明到那个程度“ I'm no Albert Einstein,”我又不是什么大侦探“ I'm no Sherlock Holmes,或者想表达”这事我经历得多了“,就可以说 I'm no stranger to xx situations.

03 你唱歌真好听

You know what, you are Chinese Taylor Swift.:)

You have a nightingale’s voice.

You really can sing.

04 引吭高歌,放声歌唱

belt sth out:to sing a song or play music loudly

That whole winter, Hassan and I took turns wearing the hat, and belted out the film's famous music as we climbed mounds of snow and shot each other dead.


05 喜闻乐见的好消息

 That is music to my ears.

06 你开心就好

Whatever floats your boat.

You can listen to whatever kind of music floats your boat. 你想听啥音乐都可以,随你意。

07 xx 不是我的强项

xx is not my strong suit.

xx is not my forte.  (注意发音 /'fɔrte/ )

反之,擅长就可以用 I excel at/in xx.

Oops, cooking is not really my strong suit.


Small talk is not my forte.


08 indelible 

impossible to forget or remove

The experience made an indelible impression on me. 那次经历让我印象深刻。

That day has stamped indelibly on my memory. 这辈子都忘不了那一天。


It leaves indelible stains on clothes.

09 总是跑厕所,拉肚子,腹泻

腹泻 diarrhea 

拉肚子 have the runs (这是更为口语的说法)

胃不舒服 suffer from an upset stomach

比如某天你 feel funny (不舒服)去医院就诊,医生可能会有哪些症状,例如如 “Do you have the runs or feel constipated(便秘)?” 一番检查完后其实没啥大问题,医生或许会说 “It wasn't anything serious. A mild stomach upset, that's all.” 吃点药就好了。

10 你可能不知道 stomach 还有这些意思

忍受- can not accept sth because you dislike it or disapprove of it.

I found him very hard to stomach.


勇气 - don't have the courage to do xx

He doesn't have the stomach to meet her.


11 我啥也不想吃, 没胃口

I have no stomach for xx.

I don’t feel like eating anything.

I've got no appetite.

12 juice & juicy

在非正式的口语中 juice 还有“汽油、(手机)电量”的意思,juice up 也是上一期和 jazz up 同时提到过的表达,意思是 to make sth more exciting or interesting.

课上还提到一个说法“get your creative juices flowing” ,意思是发挥你的创造力。juice 的形容词 juicy 的用法就更加灵活了,(牛肉/鸡肉)鲜嫩多汁就可以用 tender and juicy 。

丰厚的奖品 a juicy prize 。晨读第一天学过几个关于“钱多事少离家近”的表达(4月晨读 | 谁不希望“钱多事少离家近” 呢?),薪酬丰厚 decent pay / be paid handsomely,同样的 juicy pay 也可用来形容薪资报酬之高。

juicy gossip 流言蜚语,劲爆有料的八卦。关于 “吃瓜”,新版微信出了相应的表情包 onlooker ,之前课上也讲过类似的表达 “spill the tea”、“pass the popcorn”,也可以放在这里打包记忆。

13 背信弃义

英文中有个非常形象的表达 “throw someone under the bus”,字面上是把某人往车底下扔,其实就是使用下烂招数致某人于不利境地。

中文里面也有一些词表达差不多的意思,比如:“泼脏水、推火坑、当炮灰、拉下水、一起陪葬” 等等。

类似主题的表达还有“出卖” rat out,“背黑锅”  “xx take the fall/blame,xx hold the bag” 。比如“我不会让你独自一人背这口锅的”英文就可以这么造句 I'm not gonna leave you holding the bag.

